Stupid Web Tricks
Project Euh has some neat web toy/experiments going including pong and hearts. (via Metafilter)
The best way to find a line is to cross it
Back in 1978 - George Lucas allowed the biggest atrocity ever to take place - he allowed the creation of the single worst show to EVER be shown on television. The Star Wars Holiday Special. Here's your chance to finally see what all the hysteria is about. You won't believe how far into the pit of absolute SUCK this special will take you until you see it for yourself!
If September 11th has taught us anything, it's that terrorism is lurking everywhere--our airports, our libraries, our communities, liquor stores selling box cutters--are perfect hidey-holes for terrorists. "It can't happen here!" is a common refrain--but that's what we thought about Oklahoma City. Terrorists are hiding everywhere--in your doctor's office, your haberdashery, your toolshed. Absurd, you say? The terrorists who piloted jetliners into the World Trade Center were living in well-manicured suburbs, eating pizza, playing Boggle, all the while quietly taking flying lessons.
The thing with Kobe's naivete is, it wasn't obvious, like Magic's, who had the limo stop at the first palm tree and the first orange tree he saw when he first came to L.A. out of Mickey-State. Actually got out of the limo to marvel. Kobe was much more worldly at 18 than Magic was at 20. Kobe was still naive, and even today at 23 has much to learn about the foibles and frailties of fellow human beings and therefore (this is always the big surprise) himself.
Grown-up male hamsters have very very big balls. They look to sit on a cushion.
Another Star Wars meme crossing with some potential would be a reality TV show starring that infamous family of intergalactic bountyhunters, The Fetts. A camera crew could follow around the Fett patriarch, Jango, as he juggles a career in bountyhunting and raising his only son, Boba, as a single father. Along the way funny mishaps could occur such as when Jango's pet Rancor Beast eats his blaster pistols or such as when Boba's Wookie stoner pal Lumpy crashes at their hideout and overstays his welcome which results in him being shaven and frozen in carbonite by the angry Boba.
Congressional Democrats should be "very cautious" in criticizing the Bush administration's decision not to disclose intelligence that terrorists wanted to hijack U.S. airplanes, Vice President Dick Cheney says. Speaking Thursday night at the New York state Conservative Party's annual dinner, he warned Democrats "to not seek political advantage by making incendiary suggestions ... that the White House had advance information that would have prevented the tragic attacks of 9-11." "Such commentary is thoroughly irresponsible and totally unworthy of national leaders in a time of war," he said.
These are painfully allegorical movies for Mr. Lucas. The first "Star Wars" was about being a 70's California cinema-hippie, tackling the Hollywood system through skill, luck and stealth. Against all odds, it blew the power core of the Death Star. We saw George Lucas break through to levels of rank commercialization and technical acumen that Hollywood had never dared to imagine. Old Hollywood was Tinseltown, but "Star Wars" was the Culture Industry aborning — industrial light and magic.
Last week, in little-noticed testimony before a Senate panel, FBI Director Robert Mueller referred to another internal document that may prove more explosive: notes by a Minneapolis agent worrying that French Moroccan flight student Zacarias Moussaoui might be planning to “fly something into the World Trade Center.”
It's a curious phenomenon -- all over the sunny Southwest, Latino teens enthralled with the mope-rock saint of Manchester -- but it's no weirder than middle-class white boys thumping along to "Fuck Tha Police." Alienation knows no borders. And it's thrilling to see it, a subculture free of all the strained nostalgia and wink-wink irony that accompany most retro trends. These kids aren't in it for the camp. They love the Smiths. They need Morrissey, alchemist and worker of wonders, to make their misery a source of pride, to take away their loneliness and give it back to them transformed into something noble, beautiful even.
It can be said without exaggeration that pirates are loved by everybody. The statement "all people love pirates more than they love their own families" is truthful, and without hyperbole. It boils down to a simple "if then" statement: "IF you are a living being on earth or otherwise, THEN you wholeheartedly adore pirates and all that is pirate related." So why are pirates rapidly falling out of mainstream advertising? It's enough to make your timbers shiver.
Bush was seated at the head table, when Ozzy, at Table 168, saw his chance. He made his way forward until he was separated from Bush by only the 10-foot security no man's land: men commanding two kinds of power, face to face, silently taking each other's measure.
Saddam likes to watch TV, monitoring the Iraqi stations he controls and also CNN, Sky, al Jazeera, and the BBC. He enjoys movies, particularly those involving intrigue, assassination, and conspiracy—The Day of the Jackal, The Conversation, Enemy of the State. Because he has not traveled extensively, such movies inform his ideas about the world and feed his inclination to believe broad conspiracy theories. To him the world is a puzzle that only fools accept at face value. He also appreciates movies with more literary themes. Two of his favorites are The Godfather series and The Old Man and the Sea.