Boundary Layer

The best way to find a line is to cross it

Friday, September 30, 2005

I'll take obscure deadly bacteria for $2000

Tularemia has been in the news recently. According to the CDC it's caused by a naturally occuring bacteria and has the potential be turned into a biological weapon. It's probably for this reason that the University of Texas at San Antonio has been awarded a grant to study the bacterium.

Tuleramia was in the news recently when an outbreak of 96 cases was reported in the Nizhni Novgorod Region of Russia. This area was famous for a bioweapons lab during the Cold War which obviously led to speculation that the origin of the bacteria was not natural.

The other notable recent event involving Tuleramia was a detection by sensors at the National Mall during the recent Antiwar rally in Washington.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notified the states of Maryland and Virginia and the District of Columbia Friday that an airborne form of Tularemia bacterium was detected by air sensors in the vicinity of the National Capital Mall during the weekend of Sept. 24 - 25.

Since then, additional tests from these collectors have all been negative. Subsequent laboratory tests performed on the Sept. 24-25 samples have supported the presence of low levels of the bacterium in the environment.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

He answers to you

Stewie Live

Friday, September 23, 2005



By special request


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Blunders in Baghad

Time magazine is a bit late to the party to start doing actual reporting on the colossal mistakes in Iraq but they do a fine job here. If they had been doing this sort of thing before the war, many of the disasters they talk about now could have been avoided.
Five men met in an automobile in a baghdad park a few weeks after the fall of Saddam Hussein's Baathist regime in April 2003, according to U.S. intelligence sources. One of the five was Saddam. The other four were among his closest advisers. The agenda: how to fight back against the U.S.-led occupation of Iraq. A representative of Saddam's former No. 2, Izzat Ibrahim al-Duri, was there. But the most intriguing man in the car may have been a retired general named Muhammad Yunis al-Ahmed, who had been a senior member of the Military Bureau, a secret Baath Party spy service. The bureau's job had been to keep an eye on the Iraqi military—and to organize Baathist resistance in the event of a coup. Now a U.S. coup had taken place, and Saddam turned to al-Ahmed and the others and told them to start "rebuilding your networks."

Friday, September 16, 2005

Lyrical montage

Somewhere at this moment.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Bush is losing it

When this article in Capitol Hill Blue first made the rounds three weeks ago, it seemed too preposterous to be true.
While President George W. Bush travels around the country in a last-ditch effort to sell his Iraq war, White House aides scramble frantically behind the scenes to hide the dark mood of an increasingly angry leader who unleashes obscenity-filled outbursts at anyone who dares disagree with him.

But two new articles in Newsweek and Time seem to confirm that earlier account.
Judging from the blistering analyses in Time, Newsweek, and elsewhere these past few days, it turns out that Bush is in fact fidgety, cold and snappish in private. He yells at those who dare give him bad news and is therefore not surprisingly surrounded by an echo chamber of terrified sycophants.

This almost makes you wonder if Capital Hill Blue was correct in their earlier assessment that Bush was taking anti-depressants to control his mood swings.

Eternal war

The NYTimes magazine has a must-read piece to commemorate the 4th anniversary of September 11th that attempts to write the history of the past four years of the United States and its wars. It's rare to see this kind of analysis anywhere and even rarer to see it combined with some quality writing.

Bacon on Bacon

Kevin bacon explains his feelings on the six degrees of Kevin bacon meme. (via Robotwisdom)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Plugging the hole

A day by day account of the struggle to fix the the hole in the 17th Street wall. The problem withe the repair efforts is that the they begin until days after the breach. The wall likely failed on Monday, according to the article, but it wasn't until Wednesday night that the Army Corp of Engineers got involved. What was the reason for the delay? (via Robotwisdom)

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Oh my

Coeds with colds. (via Hork)

Civilization is only three days deep

Over the course of a few days a large portion of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama have turned into the third world. There are two basic responses to this. One is that no matter what we do, we are powerless against the strength of the forces of nature. The other is that the effects of a hurricane can be made ten times worse due to the the incompetence of the Bush administration.